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"Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

  • Virus Removals - $60

  • Hardware/Software Installations - $30 + cost of hard/software

  • Slow Machines tune up/recommendations - $20

  • Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) - $20 for diagnostics (This price counts towards the cost of outcome of the diagnostics) 

    • i.e. - If the diagnostics advises a RAM/memory stick is going bad, that would be $30 + part.  You would only pay $10 as the difference between hardware cost minus the Diagnostics fee. ​

  • Data Transfer - $40

  • New Computer Setups - $50, must provide software that is needed for setup, this does NOT include free software such as Chrome, Adobe Reader, FireFox, etc.  

  • Custom Computer Builds - $100 + Total cost of parts (this obviously varies depending on the need and nature of the build

  • Data Recover - $50

    • (NOTE: This service is NOT guaranteed and thus, if no data is able to be retrieved, you do NOT pay)

    • Also - customer MUST provide storage device (i.e. - USB, External Drive or another PC) for data to backup to. If you do NOT have a device, a quote for one can be offered as data retrieved can vary.

NOTE: Payment is not due until service is completed. By accepting my services, it is implied that the customer has foreknowledge that items will not be given back until payment is received.  Any devices kept at place of where work was done more than 30 days after completion are subject to then be forfeited over to SnowTech and are presumed to be property of the worker of SnowTech unless notified otherwise by customer before the 30 days is up. 

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